Saturday, May 14, 2011

Coco Before Chanel

My God, it's been a long time. I pretty much forgot about this blog. So much has happened since July of last year (if you'll take a gander through my posts, you'll notice that's the last time anything went into this blog). I've been living in Vegas trying to work things out here, but it's no good. I'm miserable living here. On top of that, I need to focus on school. I was going to go to school here, but, frankly, the education system here is a joke. I'd rather go home and go to a decent school and get decent grades at the community college there so I can get into a decent university and hopefully a decent graduate program.

I have made no more attempts at sewing since last summer, but I'm revisiting this blog because it's something that I'd like to continue doing. I like blogging and I like being able to bring things up that I'm currently interested in. I've been cooking all along the way, reading books, writing stories, but sewing has been left in the dust. That needs to be remedied. I spent $250 on fabric last summer and it's still just sitting neatly folded in the JoAnn's bag that it came in. They're beautiful fabrics and I have several ideas for what I want to do with them, but still they sit.

I watched Coco Before Chanel last night. Lovely movie. I adore Audrey Tautou. Amelie is still my favorite movie of hers that I have yet seen, but Coco Before Chanel was beautiful. Amazing costumes, acting, cinematography, the works. Boy was a little cheesy, but then again he was English. This outweighs any flaws he may have had.

I'd definitely recommend watching it. I enjoyed it. I haven't bothered to look at the reviews for the movie. All in all, I'd say it was a decent film. Not really an Oscar winner, but worth watching. One of the previews before the movie started was for the film An Education. I forgot about that movie and I want to see it badly. It looks good and, on top of that, I find Peter Sarsgaard irresistible. I'm a little confused by it, too, but that's just the card I drew. I'll have to see if the library has it. I've been thinking about trotting up there for the past couple of hours, but it's already so hot outside. We shall see, we shall see. Hopefully I'll be back sooner than later with more things to talk about.

For now I will leave you with these:

Totally affordable and unfathomably cute. Sounds like Forever 21!

Buy them! They're so shiny!


  1. You should watch Priceless! It's a French "re-imagining" of Breakfast at Tiffanies.

  2. Omg, so going to. <3

    Congratulations, darling, you're my first comment! :D
